Learn from the best
IPPA's in person and online comprehensive training will give you all of the knowledge and tools you need to launch a complete postpartum business. You will be able to offer your clients postpartum doula and overnight postpartum doula services, infant soothing techniques, placenta encapsulation and other preparation techniques, belly binding, postpartum nutrition, breastfeeding knowledge, sealing ceremonies and more.
We have you covered from background, practical application, business forms, marketing, how to charge, all the way down to branding your business and how to educate your community. IPPA offers you unbiased education with the continuing support you need so that you are able to choose how you want to offer services to your clients. There are no restrictions for placenta preparation location, the type of preparation or what you can charge for services. We are the only training organization to offer placenta encapsulation certification completely in Spanish and offer continued education support. Our postpartum doula training is also available in Spanish.

In Person Training
In-person workshops are an invaluable way to learn the art of placenta preparation and the skills needed to be a postpartum doula. IPPA is the original company for comprehensive, hands on training for placental arts. Each training offers not only our incredible, 2 day placenta training, but an optional third day of advanced studies and business mentorship through our Placenta-Pro training.

Distance Training
For students that want to learn and start their business from the comfort of their own homes, IPPA offers two distance training options. A comprehensive, 12 week self study where you work through reading and video modules, complete activities and reviews and get real time with one of our trainers and a 2 day, 10 hour LIVE Skype training with IPPA to start your education journey.

Become A Promoter
IPPA offers amazing perks for our in person training promoters. By choosing to bring our workshops to your city, you receive a discount off the cost of your training per person, social media promotion for your local business to over 15,000 people and the opportunity to attend the training over and over again at no additional fee.